Police Officer Maxwell Appiah Killed In Fatal Accident at Kpandai Lesseni

Police Officer Maxwell Appiah was killed on Sunday, October 20, 2024, in a fatal accident on the Kpandai Lesseni road. The incident occurred close to the Kpandai District Assembly, where one police officer was killed and another injured in the accident. Constable Maxwell Appiah, who finished his shift that morning, met his tragic death in a deadly motorbike accident.
Reports say the incident occurred at about 5 pm. The officers had just finished their day patrols and snap-check duties when, despite the heavy rainfall, they were proceeding to the station. Constable Maxwell Appiah was a pillion rider on a motorbike belonging to his colleague when an unregistered motorbike being ridden in a reckless manner crossed their vehicle, resulting in a fatal accident.
Unfortunately, Constable Appiah died on the spot because of the impact of the crash, while his colleague, who suffered grievous wounds, was rushed to the Kpandai District Hospital, where he is being treated. The identity of the motorbike rider, who caused the crash, is unknown, raising concerns over the dangers posed by unregistered vehicles on the roads.
This touching drama needs to remind us of the risks police personnel are always under when carrying out their duties amidst potential danger. The body of Constable Maxwell Appiah has been transported to the Tamale Teaching Hospital for preservation and autopsy, and his death leaves behind tears within the Kpandai community for the loss of a dedicated officer.
Investigations are continuing, but most say more needs to be done regarding road safety, about officers of the law patrolling areas that are always driven through recklessly by oncoming traffic. This tragedy brings into full light the priority that should be placed on the safety of law enforcement personnel while doing their duty.